
I am a third-year Ph.D. student at the Center for Applied Mathematics at Cornell University advised by Professor Yunan Yang. My research is supported by an NDSEG Fellowship and focuses on computational inverse problems for dynamical systems, such as parameter estimation and attractor reconstruction. Tools from dynamical systems theory, ergodic theory, optimal transport, numerical analysis, and machine learning are especially relevant in my work. I was previously a 2022 National Science Foundation, Mathematical Sciences Graduate Intern and a Visiting Graduate Student at Argonne National Laboratory, where I worked on deep learning for stochastic dynamical systems with Professor Romit Maulik. Before arriving at Cornell, I earned B.A.s in Mathematics and Physics at Amherst College in 2021, where I was advised by Professor Ryan J. Alvarado. Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

Here is my CV. For more information, please navigate to any of the following pages: Projects, Publications, Talks, Teaching, Awards, Slides, and Interests.